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Where your dog can be at the top of the class!

Puppies on dog bed

Dog training has evolved so much over the last 10 years. There is an ART and a SCIENCE behind dog training today. It’s not only canine behavior, it’s also the psychology of it as well. Watching dogs play with each other and interact with humans is an art in itself that takes years of practice to understand exactly what they are telling you!

I’ve learned that puppies are never too young to start learning and older dogs are just as interested in learning new things. As a breeder and professional positive reward based trainer for over 25 years, located in Harford County and serving Harford, Cecil, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland, and York County, PA. I’ve worked to create environments that puppies thrive in. By the time my puppies go home, they are crate trained and sleeping in their crates at night, well on their way to potty training, travel in crates in the car, learned that the vet’s office isn't such a bad place to visit and quick stopovers at parks, schools and different locations.

Puppies (Tirzah, Style and Ellie) learning Boundary Games 

Making the world a new and exciting place to play and explore. Dogs like humans need exercise, but they also need mental exercise to keep their brains and scent functions working.

Through games and activities, dogs can learn: to stay close to you, to retrieve things, to come when called, to alert a specific scent and to become a CONFIDENT, OPTIMISTIC and FOCUSED dog.


It’s K9 College Dog Training’s goal to help you develop a well-behaved dog and create a long lasting relationship. There is nothing like having a dog that wants to be with you all the time, that won’t run off, knows when it’s time to work, time to play and time to relax. One that you can take places and people compliment you on how well behaved your dog is! Don’t delay, get started training today!

Providing leading edge training for both owners and dogs; to develop the dog that every owner desires.

Pictured above at top of page:  (Left to right)

     OWNTO Coco Chanel No. 3, BN, GN, CDX, RX

     My Little Sydney, BN, CD, HCT - S

     OWINTO Coco Chanel's Camellia, CGCA, TDA, BN, RATO

Artwork: Rebecca Spencer, Rebecca Louise Art, Victoria, BC



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Clare Owings


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